At the University of Sarajevo teaching, scientific and research work and artistic-research work is carried out within 30 organizational units (25 faculties and academies, 5 institutes) and 72 sub-organizational units (4 university centres,30 faculties, 23 laboratories and 15 faculty centres). The comprehensiveness of the University is reflected in the presence of humanistic, social, medical, natural, mathematical, biotechnical, and technical sciences and arts.

The University of Sarajevo offers 236 study programmes in the 1st Academic Cycle, 185 study programmes in the 2nd Academic Cycle, 4 integrated study programmes, and 93 programmes in the 3rd Academic Cycle. There are more than 30 000 students and 3000 academic and administrative staff members. Taking into account the current trends in the local and European business we are working on harmonization between the curricula and the needs of the labour market, including employer surveys, surveys of businesses, chambers of commerce and other business associations, and in the European Higher Education Area in general.

The University is active in student mobility programs 103 TEMPUS projects were implemented in cooperation with 135 European universities (83 as partners, 16 as academic coordinators and 4 as grant-holders). There were 38 FP7 projects: as well as 19 ERASMUS MUNDUS projects in cooperation with 55 EU universities. The University of Sarajevo has signed 129 international cooperation agreements.


Role of partner institution [P9 University of Sarajevo]:

BSc graduate students in biology and ecology at Faculty of Sciences – need to obtain MSc degree that will increase their chance of employment; to obtain knowledge/skills/practice that will allow them to engage in scientific research work and publish papers of international significance.

Ecological monitoring of Freshwaters

Level of study MSc

1. Aquatic ecotoxicology 6 ECTS

2. Algology 6 ECTS

3. Freshwater ecology 6 ECTS

4. Wetland and riparian ecology 6 ECTS

5. Ecological projects 6 ECTS

6. GIS and Remote Sensing in ecomonitoring – 6 ECTS

7. Numerical Ecology 6 ECTS

8. Freshwater microbiology 6 ECTS

9. System for evaluating rivers for conservation – 6 ECTS

Teaching and technical staff at Faculty of Sciences -need to cooperate and share knowledge/skills/practice with other HEIs and stakeholders in the WB Region; to equip the laboratory for EMAB; to offer students and attractive MSc degree; to apply for EU grants together, write scientific papers together, to cooperate with Industry.