The University makes strategic decisions to promote the development of science, curriculum, professional work and augmentation plans for external partners in scientific activities and higher education. The University provides and implements the mechanisms for mobility of students and teachers, the rational use of human and material resources, with constant monitoring of the quality, competitiveness and international competitiveness of scientific, teaching, artistic and professional work.
Since 2014, the University of Mostar has been actively involved in the ERASMUS + program and it has implemented dozens of projects that referred to the development of individuals’ abilities and possibilities of increasing employment opportunities through modernization and enhancement of higher education as well as exchanges of good practice between university and the economy.
Role of partner institution [P6 University of Mostar]:
BSc, MSc students in biology and ecology at Faculty of Sciences – need to obtain LLL certificates that will increase their chance of employment.
Ecological Monitoring of Freshwaters
Level of study LLL
1. Aquatic and semi-aquatic macrophytes 6 ECTS
2. Aquatic macroinvertebrates in bioassessment 6 ECTS
3. Phycology 6 ECTS
4. GIS and Remote Sensing in ecomonitoring 6 ECTS
5. Ichthyology – 6 ECTS
6. System for evaluating rivers for conservation 6 ECTS
7. Field practice in aquatic monitoring 6 ECTS
Teaching and technical staff at Faculty of Sciences -need to cooperate and share knowledge/skills/practice with other HEIs and stakeholders in the WB Region; to apply for EU grants together, write scientific papers together; to equip the laboratory for EMAB; obtain additional way of financing by offering LLL courses to the stakeholders; to cooperate with Industry.