The University of Zagreb (1669) is the oldest and biggest university in South-Eastern Europe. As a comprehensive public Central European university, University of Zagreb offers education and research and in all scientific fields (arts, biomedicine, biotechnology, engineering, humanities, natural sciences and social sciences) and a broad spectrum of courses at all study levels, from undergraduate to postgraduate. With 29 Faculties, 3 Art Academies and the University Centre for Croatian Studies it is the flagship educational institution in the country, a place where more than 7900 teachers and 72480 students develop knowledge and acquire skills.

The central strategic issue of the future development of the University of Zagreb is for it to be a research-oriented institution with teaching of high quality. Accordingly, the focus will be on master and doctoral programs, encompassing all fields of science and art, boosting transdiciplinarity and interdisciplinarity as well as translational research, nurturing the culture of innovation and transfer of knowledge. This should result in better intersectorial  armonization on local and regional levels. University of Zagreb is a partner or a coordinator in a number of international projects funded from the EU Programmes: Lifelong Learning Programme 2007.-2013; Erasmus; Comenius; Leonardo da Vinci; Transversal Programme; Jean Monnet, TEMPUS, Erasmus Mundus. The University of Zagreb develops international contacts with foreign universities based on mutually coordinated and signed agreements. The University of Zagreb holds the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education for the whole period of the Erasmus+ programme.


Role of partner institution [P3 University of Zagreb]:

Developing ECOBIAS courses for PCs in:

  1. Ichthyology
  2. Algology
  3. Practicum in Ecology/ Zoology
  4. Aquatic ecotoxicology
  5. Field practice in aquatic monitoring
  6. Classification protocols and systems in ecomonitoring
  7. Biodiversity conservation
  8. Aquatic macroinvertebrates in bioassessment
  9. EU and regional legislation