GIS and Remote Sensing in ecomonitoring

Course Objective: This course is designed to provide knowledge in Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing technologies and their applications in ecological monitoring, data collecting and decision making.

Course Outcome:  Students will be able to carry out field research using the basic and advanced GIS and Remote Sensing technologies (GPS and UAV (drones)) and to process data of georeferencing systems, spatial data models and database, spatial data analysis and modelling; spatial data exploration and statistics; maps dissemination and data share and to create a basic predictive scenario for environmental impact studies using open-access tools and resources.


Radulović S, Cvijanović D. 2016. Osnove ekologije. Udžbenik. Prirodno-matematički-fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu. Novi Sad.

Radulović, S., Teodorović, I. 2011. Ekologija i monitoring kopnenih voda. Metodološki priručnik. Prirodno-matematički fakultet. Novi Sad

Horning, N. 2010. Remote Sensing for Ecology and Conservation: A Handbook of Techniques. Oxford University Press

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