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ECOBIAS – Development of master curricula in ecological monitoring and aquatic bioassesment for Western Balkans HEIs

ECOBIAS aim to develop and improve knowledge/skills/technical resources of Partner Country HEIs in ecological monitoring and freshwater bioassessment in line with national and EU policy.

The specific objectives of the project are:

• Develop and implement the advanced master curricula in Ecological Monitoring and Aquatic Bioassessment in the WB HEIs in line with the Bologna requirements and national accreditation standards;
• Develop and implement LLL courses for the environmental monitoring sector in line with EU Water Framework Directive in the WB HEIs;
• Equip seven laboratories for ecological monitoring and bioassessment of freshwater ecosystems in the WB HEIs;
• Develop regional academic network in order to organise and promote regional cooperation in Ecological Monitoring and Aquatic Bioassessment.

Project acronym:ECOBIAS
Project full title:Development of master curricula in ecological monitoring and aquatic bioassessment for Western Balkans HEIs
Project reference No:609967-EPP-1-2019-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Grant Agreement No:2019-1991 / 001-001
Project web address www.ecobiaserasmus.com
Funding scheme ERASMUS+
Coordinating institution University of Novi Sad
Coordinator Prof. dr Snežana Radulović
Project duration 15/01/2020 -14/01/2023